• Preparing for Conception & Pregnancy Program

    Are you thinking about conception soon or a bit down the road? Do you want to best prepare your body for conception and a healthy pregnancy? We’ll work together toward these goals, including learning about your cycles, fertile windows, preconception and pregnancy health, by supporting you with education, coaching, massage, bodywork and concrete plans. You will learn and/or become confident in using the Fertility Awareness Method to support your goals. We’ll work together to gather information from your body, interpret the information, and chart your cycle to help you gain insight into your menstrual cycle, and to identify your most fertile times. The information we gather will help us to support and improve your reproductive, preconception and future pregnancy health.

    We will include Abdominal Therapy which helps to align reproductive and abdominal organs, improve circulation to organs, promote vital flow of blood, lymph, nerve signals and energy, and improve alignment of spine, hips, and sacrum. Abdominal Therapy is gently powerful and nurturing bodywork to support your reproductive and overall health.

    I will provide you with information, tools, and coaching to support your fertility, conception and future pregnancy. This program includes:

    • thorough discussion of your history
    • 7 private education & consulting sessions
    • 4 bodywork sessions
    • teaching of self care massage
    • education on lifestyle & supportive tools
    • unlimited support by text or email
    • printed information to support your learning

    over a 3 to 4 month period, to provide you with comprehensive knowledge, treatment and assistance in enhancing your fertility, and preparing for conception and pregnancy.

    Full Abdominal Therapy & Fertility Awareness Program: $1840 or 4 x $510*

  • Fertility Awareness for Fertility & Conception

    Do you want to learn about your reproductive system and cycle, and how to observe and chart your cycle to support conception? Fertility Awareness and cycle charting can help you to be confident in identifying your fertile window for conception and to improve your reproductive health to prepare for conception and pregnancy.

    The full program will provide you with a thorough understanding of, and confidence in using, the Fertility Awareness Method, and includes:

    • thorough discussion of your history
    • 7 private education & consulting sessions
    • education on lifestyle & supportive tools
    • unlimited support by text or email
    • printed information to support your learning

    over a 3 to 4 month period, to provide you with comprehensive knowledge and the ability to observe, chart and interpret your body signs and cycle, and to incorporate tools to help support conception and prepare for pregnancy.

    Fertility & Conception Fertility Awareness Program: $1190 or 4 x $325*

    Single Fertility Awareness Strategy Session:

    • thorough intake
    • my review of your history
    • 1hr private consulting and strategy session
    • education on tools to support your goals
    • printed information to support your learning
    • discount on full program if desired

    Single Fertility Awareness session: $200*

  • Abdominal Massage Therapy for Fertility & Conception

    Do you want to support fertility and conception by improving your reproductive and abdominal-pelvic health? Abdominal Massage Therapy is gently powerful and nurturing bodywork to support your reproductive and overall health, and your goals of conception and pregnancy. Abdominal Therapy helps to align reproductive and abdominal organs, improve circulation to organs, promote vital flow of blood, lymph, nerve signals and energy, and improve alignment of spine, hips, and sacrum.

    This program includes:

    • thorough discussion of your history
    • 4 bodywork sessions
    • teaching of self care massage
    • education on supportive tools
    • printed information to support your learning

    over 2-3 months to help you support your reproductive system and prepare for conception and pregnancy.

    Abdominal Therapy Program: $750*

    Single AT sessions (Initial 2.5 hrs, Follow-ups 75-90min): $120/hr

*I strive to be anti-racist, gender affirming, body positive, compassionate and client centered. I recognize that there is systemic inequality and want to actively contribute to changing this reality.
I offer a sliding scale for BIPOC, LGBTQ and differently-abled folks. For other folks, please speak with me if you are in need of my services but are unable to comfortably manage my fees.